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A new partner in ministry...in the pearl of Africa, Uganda...

I came to know Ishak through a friend who supports his ministry. 

The more I read about his work, the more I became impressed by his passion, his heart, his sense of calling. Ishak with his adopted sister

Uganda is a place with beautiful people. It is also a place where there is great need. Ishak is a mobile-minister, traveling from village to village and district to district. He is aware of the kinds of need in various areas...and he knows the people who feel those needs personally. He is well equipped to minister and make things happen. But he needs resources. 

God led us together and we learned that we share the same ministry heart in many ways. The pic above is Ishak with “Jolly,” whom he has adopted as a sister. Jolly has no family. 

This spring I am taking a trip to Uganda to meet with Ishak and some other ministers in the country. I don’t know where the Lord will take all of that...but I am determined to being open to anything He might do. 

Pray that the Lord will make it all clear. 
