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Easter message

Posted by Gary Pauley on

Most people think that the work of Charles Darwin merely led the church to reconsider its beliefs about creation and the first three chapters of Genesis. In fact, much more was going on than that. The way we look at history had already been challenged by the German Idealism of the 19th century. Darwinism was just gas on a fire that had already been burning in the Christian academy for some time. That fire was the suggestion that maybe science, and not religion, was the way to understand the world. Some Christian thinkers tried to synthesize what science was saying and hold on to some framework of orthodoxy. Others changed their allegiances to the hard sciences as the repository of truth and jettisoned basic Christian beliefs.

This perceived tension is still at work today.

On Easter Sunday I will be speaking a little about the struggle that some have with the idea of Jesus' return from death. It might be a good time to bring friends and acquaintances who are watching Christianity from a distance. If you are reading this article and have those concerns with the Christian message, this is the time to visit us. I certainly don’t think I will be answering all objections or even dealing with most of the issues involved. But maybe hearing the Christian worldview discussed from this perspective will spark something.

For many the resurrection of Jesus is a “deal killer” for considering Christianity. On the other hand, within Christian theology it is offered as the “deal maker” that puts all the pieces together. 

Invite a friend. Join us Easter! See you then! 
