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Showing items for 'April 2020'

Faith, Hope, and Love...

Posted by Tim Boyd on

1 Corinthians 13:13 (NASB) But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love. What is really significant? What will really stand the test of time? What will have meaning when other things cease to do so? In the verse above, Paul refers to three of his favorite...

The Confidence of Hope

Posted by Gary Pauley on

It is fairly well known that the Christian concept of “hope” is profoundly different than the historic or secular version. We use the word in its secular sense every day: “I hope this coronavirus goes away soon!” We have no clue how soon it will happen, but it is our...

Building Our Worship.

Posted by Gary Pauley on

I recently read an article that struck me. It made a comment that was not unusual, but it struck me. It was about a church that could not record their Sunday services in their beautiful building because of a power outage. The church “could not imagine having services without their...

Coronavirus in Uganda

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Ishak Semakula ministers all over Uganda working with churches, schools, villages, and orphanages. Pastor Pauley spent time with Ishak on a trip in 2018. On that trip we learned of the critical need for a well in a village north of the capital. FBC provided a well for that village. Ishak...

Jesus our model...

Posted by Tim Boyd on

Then He poured water into the basin and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded.  John 13: 5 One of the problems with the church today is that we are known more for what we are against than what we are for. We are often seen as...

From Pastor Tim

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The Lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, My God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.  Psalm 18:2 There are times in life when the world around us seems to be more than we can handle. Right now, it’s the Coronavirus...

From one of our Pastors

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by Pastor Tim Boyd. I know that we have all been focusing on the coronavirus crisis and the limitations that have been imposed upon us. I wanted to point us toward next week. Next week we remember the passion of Christ. Good Friday will give way to the joy of Easter. Christ gave His life to...
